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Predictions of the future and truth about the past and the present

ModernLib.Net / Ýçîòåðèêà / Anastasia Novykh / Predictions of the future and truth about the past and the present - ×òåíèå (Îçíàêîìèòåëüíûé îòðûâîê) (ñòð. 3)
Àâòîð: Anastasia Novykh
Æàíð: Ýçîòåðèêà



“Already in five years Mayer Amshel became a court factor, that is a commercial agent, a supplier of necessary goods for the court, later on he was appointed as a chief court agent to the prince house of Hessen-Hanau. But its main task set up before him by ‘Freemasons’ was a secret control over the financial activity of William IX. By the way William, according to the advice of ‘Freemasons’ was first out of German princes who began to give loans with interest. As a result, to his debtors (and consequently people at ‘Freemasons’ were able to influence directly at) belonged more than a half of rulers in Europe. Moreover, prince William ‘leased’ his soldiers to other countries, of course, in the first turn giving preference to those countries which were pointed out to him by ‘Freemasons’. Due to his secret patrons he became a ‘friend’ of Hanoverians. Great Britain was his main client as it always needed soldiers, including the control over its colonies in Northern America. By the way, note it for yourself. These German troops which belonged to William later fought with the army of George Washington in Valley Forge. There were more Germans in British army against ‘Americans’ than British. At the same time German soldiers from Prussia were supplied to the service of ‘Americans’ (or to put it more precise, to the Europeans who settled down in British colonies, most of them were British). By the way, the Prussian king Frederick the Great, who supplied these soldiers, dealt with the secret organization of ‘Freemasons’ since he was young and he was under the influence of its ideas.”

Eugene couldn’t keep saying with a laugh, “So it means that Germans fought with Germans for independence of British against British. It’s so stupid!”

Sensei explained, “Well, the Archons made even more crafty tricks!”

“Here you are!” Stas shook his head. “But why? Did Germans need this war most of all?”

In reply Volodya remarked reservedly, “There was no difference for them where to fight and for which side, they were mercenaries.”

Nikolai Andreevich sighed bitterly, “That’s the point! These people didn’t care where to fight and which interests to defend, all they needed was money.”

Sensei listened to them and continued, “Right, and when the piece of William IX (who was at that time one of the richest people in Europe) ended to play his game on the chess-board of the Archons, they just sacrificed him during their games with “Napoleonic wars”. William had to leave the country and to live many years in emigration. Try to guess whom has he entrusted “temporarily” all his business and money?”

“Was it Rothschild or what?” Victor uttered half in jest.

“Right you are, it was him indeed,” in the same manner confirmed Sensei.

“And later… There was a little catling on the chess board and due to considerable William’s capital Mayer Rothschild started to conclude financial agreements for huge amounts of money at the international level, with big profit for the Archons. For enabling big international transactions ‘Freemasons’ even provided Rothschild with a part of their excellently organized spy net which was much more mobile than the best secret services of the European royal houses. Moreover, these people not only brought latest news but transported cash money and securities. Later, in order not to reveal the spy system of ‘Freemasons’, they will ascribe as if it were Rothschild who created himself the whole net of agents-informers like royal spy services. These rumours were partly supported by the fact which became known later that Rothschild has sponsored the organization of the famous secret order of Bavarian ‘Illuminati’. And that’s really true. But it was created not because of Rothschild’s ‘task’ but on request of ‘Freemasons’ who arranged a meeting in the year of 1770 between one of their numerous ‘disciples’ Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Rothschild in order for the first of them to organize a secret order of ‘Illuminati’ at the university in the German town of Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria) and for the second to credit this project. They staked a lot on this order in the light of the world political events. That is why they set a task to Weishaupt not only to expand and strengthen this order but to attract to it the best and the brightest people from industry, business, education. And in order to tie firmly high ranking officials to the order and to set up an absolute control over them, they were allowed to use all means, including impudent blackmail, bribery and sex. By the way, the official date of foundation of this order is considered to be 1776, pay attention to this date as it is a year when the United States’ Declaration of Independence was signed. It were the Bavarian Illuminati who began to propagandize with new force the old slogan of the Archons ’Freedom, equality, brotherhood’. And it were their circles which intensively elaborated the Archons’ plan of the ‘New world order’ which later on started to be realized in foundation of the USA.”

“Were they called ‘Illuminati’?” specified Victor with some surprise.

“Yes. But I want to mention that this is only one link in the chain of secret societies of ‘Freemasons’, it’s kind of ‘dubbing’ in order to foul the trail and to patch the holes of possible information leakage. The true illuminati, mates of Ariman, were founded many centuries age in the secret Mesopotamian society ‘Brotherhood of the Snake’. And their secret society exists till nowadays.

“So, let’s come back to Rothschild. Further on Rothschild joined his grown up sons into the big politics games. Still in 1770 he married the daughter of Jewish merchant who bore his five sons and five daughters. When the guys grew up they also joined the circle of ‘Freemasons’. First Rothschild made them his assistants, and then, on request of his Masters, he assigned to different countries: Nathan Rothschild organized a bank in London, Salomon in Vienna, Kalman (Karl) in Naples, Jacob (James) in Paris. And in Frankfurt, after Mayer’s death in 1812, was left to manage a bank his eldest son Amshel who opened a bank in Berlin, too. In XIX century these brothers already credited not only rulers and their states but due to ‘Freemasons’ this money was spent for organization of wars and provision for the whole armies.”

Origin of the United States of America

“Or let’s take the United States of America. How do you think this state appeared?” asked Sensei.

Nikolai Andreevich halted a little and answered with a quite unsure voice, “As far as I know, this state was founded at the end of the 18th century during the Independence war in Northern America. The commander-in-chief of the colonist army George Washington became the first president of the USA.”

“And do you know by which reason this war was launched and who manipulated this person in order to create this state?

“After Christopher Columbus discovered in the year of 1492 the coast of America there started an rapid process of European colonization of Northern America. The Spaniards, the British, the Dutch, the Swedes, the French aimed at conquering new lands, a new source of indescribable enrichment. The natives were forced out and mercilessly killed. For toiling on cotton and tobacco plantation they imported masses of black people, the so called in history ‘slaves’ from Africa.

“The organization of ‘Freemasons’ played not the last role in this struggle for new lands. However, unlike the others they acted in a more cunning way. When the countries which conquered the lands of Northern America, while competing among themselves, divided the migrants from Europe into ‘theirs’ and ‘strangers’, ‘Freemasons’ acted in a complete different way. Through their secret lodges in these countries they freely allocated their own organizations in any colonial territory they liked, which was under control of this or that country. Not only they placed their lodges there but under the cover of ‘religion’ they formed from local inhabitants ‘their’ people (regardless of European nationality) in order to get power on this territory. Of course, it was done by ‘initiated members’ of the low ranks of masonry. All of that was ruled from Europe, or to be more precise, from England which became that time a so-to-say parent country for masons.

“And now let’s throw a glance at how was founded “the freest, the rightest, the most democratic country in the world”, as the USA is called nowadays. When European countries began to found intensively colonies in the new lands of Northern America, which brought fabulous profit, ‘Freemasons’ started to provoke armed conflicts in these colonies. And not only there. Due to their skilful organization a whole range of revolutions swept over the territories of Northern and South America. It were they who organized also a so called Independence war in Northern America (1775-1783), during which in 1776 the United States of America was founded. In 1783 in Versailles (note this French town located not far from Paris) they signed a so called Peace Treaty according to which Great Britain acknowledged the independence of the USA. And who sponsored both combatant parties (including supply of mercenaries, as you know it already by the example of German soldiers) and initiated this “reconciliation”? ‘Freemasons’. In particular, the money for prosecution of war in America (in their British colonies) the British government borrowed from Jewish bankers, including Rothschild as well. And for “struggle against British rule” taking the money of the same ‘Freemasons’ they created the continental ‘army’ under the command of George Washington who was one of the ‘wards’ of the masonic lodge.”

“Is a masonic lodge and ‘Freemasons’ one and the same?” inquired Kostya.

“Yes. They have the same Masters on top,” clarified Sensei. “‘Maçon’ translated from French means literary ‘bricklayer’. ‘Freemasons’ began to call as ‘masons’ on of their new religious and political organizations which they founded in England in XVIII century. By the way, ‘freemason’ comes from the French word ‘franc-maçon’ which literary means ‘free mason’…

“According to generally accepted ‘history’, George Washington joined the masonic lodge when he was twenty. Though he was noticed much earlier. When the boy was eleven, his father died, who was an owner of the tobacco plantation. The boy was left with his mother, his relations with her worsened constantly, of course, not without help of his ‘new friends’. His brother Lawrence took over his upbringing. When George became twenty, ‘Freemasons’ made his a heir of the big fortune, a rich landowner, after they had killed Lawrence. Though officially it is considered till now that his brother died from tuberculosis. It ‘happened’ right in 1752, when there started the wars for territories between British and French colonies. And by no means it was a chance that exactly this young man was appointed in two years (in 1754) a commander-in-chief of irregulars, and in 1755 he became a regiment commander. Then they got him married to a young widow who possessed a big fortune, forwarded his to politics and during a couple of years he was regularly elected to the State Assembly on behalf of different counties. During the elections George Washington, prompted by ‘Freemasons’, wasn’t stingy and as a rule paid generously mass drinks for his ‘electorate’ and after votes calculations organized grandiose balls.

Êîíåö áåñïëàòíîãî îçíàêîìèòåëüíîãî ôðàãìåíòà.

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