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Chronicles of the Pride Lands - Touch of the Nisei

ModernLib.Net / Burkitt John / Touch of the Nisei - ×òåíèå (ñòð. 2)
Àâòîð: Burkitt John
Ñåðèÿ: Chronicles of the Pride Lands



      Rafiki put his arms around her neck and held her. “You poor dear!”
      “She wanted to talk but I said, ‘I have nothing to say to you.’ My gods, can you believe I said that to my own sister??”
      Rafiki began to stroke her cheek and kiss her. “Poor honey tree! Poor dear honey tree!”
      She pulled away from him and headed to the top of a small kopje. “Elanna??” she shouted. “ELANNA?? CAN YOU HEAR ME??”
      The name echoed off the surrounding hills, mocking her.
      Sarabi’s chin trembled again, and she drew in a deep breath. “ELAAAANNAAAAA! PLEEEEASE!! I’M SORRY!! OH GODS, ANSWER MEEEE!!” She roared and pounded the ground with her paw. She roared again, and the other lionesses joined her. Tears began to course down Sarabi’s cheeks, and she stumbled off the kopje, nearly collapsing to the ground. “First my parents, then my husband and my son, now my sister! I’ve tried to live a good life. Why does everything bad happen to me??”
      Rafiki ran his paw through her fur gently. “Lannie is with Taka now. That’s where she would want to be, Honey Tree. At least you got your son back. Go to him, Sassie. He will bring you comfort.”
      Sarabi kissed Rafiki, then turned and slowly trudged up the side of Pride Rock. “Yes, I have Simba. Thank the gods! I should be grateful.”


      As her Pride mates mourned for her, Elanna was walking alone across the savanna contemplating her own death. She looked ahead of her and saw nothing. Her whole life seemed to lay behind her, a tragic story destined to have a tragic ending. With his faults, Taka was still loved her with his whole heart. Now no one loved her, and the one time she needed a shoulder to cry on most of all, she was isolated, a tiny yellow speck on a vast golden plain.
      Sadly, she looked back from where she came, the sight of Pride Rock now long gone from the horizon. For the first time in her life, she could not see any part of it. Pride Rock, whose golden shaft greeted the morning. She had been born there, and she had thought to die there. Her mother lived again in its grasses, and looked down upon it from the stars. Her husband had taken her in its protective embrace. A horror enveloped her that she had not really escaped death, but exchanged a quick one for a lingering, painful ordeal.
      She took stock of her life, forming an inventory of all the good and bad times that made up her days. She remembered the sweet richness of her mother’s milk, and the comfort of Sarabi’s body next to her as she closed her eyes and nursed. She remembered cubhood games of tag that lasted for hours, and wrestling with young Mufasa in the cool of the cave. She remembered her first kill, and how proud she felt when the red pawprint in blood was placed on her cheek. She remembered using the warm muskiness of Taka’s soft mane as a pillow, and the breathless pleasures of his lovemaking. She remembered the feel of a small life inside her. Once, in death, she looked on the face of her son Fabana. “Oh gods, if only those little eyes had opened one time and seen the love I bore him! If only once I could have held him to my belly and given him milk!” Tears welled in her eyes. Voices were calling to her from the realm of Aiheu--Mom and Dad, lover and child. And the voices were getting louder, beginning to drown out even the piping of the weaver birds and the chirping of the crickets.
      The thought of returning and facing justice played in her mind. Her reasoning was simple and compelling. If Taka had indeed killed Mufasa and Simba in his madness, she could die to pay the blood debt and set him free. His death would atone for Mufasa’s, hers for Simba’s.
      She had not rested since the hyenas had told her of her former pride’s plan for her. Finally, her body gave out and she collapsed on the ground exhausted. Soon sleep had claimed her.
      Her sleep was fraught with dreams. In her visions she relived her days with Taka. Mercifully it was not what life had become for them in the past few months, but what is was like in the beginning. She smiled softly in her sleep as she felt his body against her.
      “Lannie, there is a full moon outside. Let’s sit on the end of the promontory.”
      She followed him up the stone spire and laid her head against his soft, dark mane. “What will we name our son?” she asked.
      “There is one name for him. Three great loves have I known. My mother loved me. You loved me. And Fabana loved me.”
      “I think Fabana would be a lovely name. But what if I have girls? Three little girls. Ever think about that?”
      “Three little Lannies!” He smiled and nuzzled her. “Then I’d have to keep trying, wouldn’t I?” He turned his gaze back to the full moon. “Dad used to say if you wished on the full moon and you just believed hard enough, it would come true.”
      “I’d never heard that.”
      “Neither had he, I warrant. Dad was always like that. Wishing and believing. Oh gods, I wish he was here right now, and my mother too. Once life was so simple. So simple and so good.”
      “It can be simple and good again, my love. And you can believe that.”
      Taka looked back at her face, washed silver with moonlight. “Gods, I love you!”
      Then the vision changed. It was no longer like a dream. A bright light flooded the spot where she stirred. “What the....”
      As her eyes adjusted to the light, Taka appeared before her in a cloud of glory fire. “Taka? Is that you?”
      “Listen, love! I don’t have much time!”
      “Honey Tree, are you coming to take me with you?”
      “No. I’m here so you will NOT die.”
      She ran and nuzzled him. “Oh my husband, but I want to join you!”
      Taka just shook his head. “Do not try to atone for my sin. I will pay my debt to the last drop of blood. I will start with you. You will have a comforter in your time of grief.” He kissed her cheek softly. “When your time comes, we will sit together forever and never be apart again. Till then, be my brave little girl.”
      “Taka, Honey Tree, I must know the truth. Did you kill your brother?”
      The lion looked at her sadly. “Remember the good times, Lannie. Remember the blissful moments. Those were the truth.” With that, he faded quickly. She had her answer.


      The search party quietly headed back without their Pride sister. Even the cubs were hushed as the lionesses slowly made their way through the grasses with their heads and tails hung low. Simba, who had stayed at Pride Rock to guard against the last of the hyena stragglers, saw the group approach. One look at their posture affirmed in his mind that Elanna was lost to them. Silently, he made his way to the queen mother. “I’m sorry mom...” he said softly to her as he rubbed against her gently.
      Sarabi looked up at her new king, her eyes still wet with tears, “At least I have you, son.”
      It had been a long time since Rafiki had been able to walk out alone without the confines of his hyena jailers. Even through the somber mood of the night, he was determined to make the most of his new freedom. He went to each of the pride members and blessed and stroke each of them in turn. He even had a special blessing for Timon and Pumbaa. Slowly, he began to fill in the gaps in the last two years of his life. He quickly ran out of his jerky as he gave all the cubs a treat...and even the lionesses he remembered as nothing but a cub.
      As he went through the pride, he treated their wounds. True to his words, there were enough herbs for the lions of the pride, even if he would have nothing for his aching joints that night. It had been indeed fortunate that no one was seriously hurt, the worse injuries being some cuts and bruises. The hyenas that followed Shenzi were quick to leave after they passed their sentence on the former king and upon seeing their cousins fighting with the lions. Still, in the distance, their sounds could be heard, mocking the newly freed pride.
      As the evening passed into night and the lions were able to rest their sore bodies, it was time to remember the lost member of the pride. Sarabi, being her sister, called the group together for a memorial to their fallen pridemate.
      Rafiki stepped into the circle of lionesses. Everyone knew how he felt about Taka, and for this reason he was the only one left alive that could speak the opening words freely.
      “Great Aiheu, we commend to your care Elanna, and pray that she will be reunited with her husband. And may Taka....” The mandrill leaned heavily on his staff as tears streamed down his face. “Grant them peace. Forgive him as I have forgiven him. He loved me once. He really did love me.”
      As Rafiki stepped away, Isha came forward. “She was gentle and kind. And how she suffered! I wish I’d known her better.”
      Ajenti did not step forward, but she stammered, “Me too.”
      Nala crept to the center of the circle. “She really loved children, though she had none of her own. She was always very nice to me. She was always sad, but one time she sang to me. She had a very pretty voice, you know.”
      Nala edged back to Simba who nuzzled her and pawed her face.
      As the turn passed from lioness to lioness, most remembered her strength. How, even through the mental isolation from her pride, she stayed faithful to her husband to the very end. How even through their scorn, she still loved everyone. The cubs remembered how kind she was...how she would always want to give them affection and how she would, the few times that she could, always had a story for them.
      Finally, it came to her sister, Sarabi.
      Sarabi sighed softly as the memory of her sister and their cubhood comes back to her mind. The wind whispered quietly among them. Her face remained motionless except for the slow blinking of her eyes. The other lionesses began to stir uneasily, looking to one another uncertainly as they sought an answer to her silence. Thus it was that they all started nervously when she spoke.
      "Elanna...." A wan smile creased Sarabi's face and she looked up finally, her gaze passing through the gathered pride into a haze of time into which only she could penetrate. A half sob, half laugh escaped her and she looked down again, staring through the air. "I keep thinking of a day, back when we were cubs..." She sniffed and wiped her eyes with a paw, smiling. "Once she saved my life. We were lost in a cave, and though I never told anyone about his, I nearly drowned--or worse--in the haunted cave under Pride Rock. She pulled me from the water. And how did I repay her?” New tears welled from her eyes. "I'd give anything to have her back here again...oh gods, I can't even remember what she smelled like before those damn hyenas defiled this place." She shivered, gripped by the terrible agony of her grief. "I'd give anything to be able to look her in her eyes...and tell her I'm sorry!"
      Silence gripped the group as the former queen looked up to the sky. "I hope you are happy, sister, with your husband. I wish you all the joy in the next world that you never had in this one." She drew a deep breath and uttered a mournful roar, venting her pain in a cacophony of sound echoed by her pride sisters as it swept across the savanna into the depths of the night.


      After a long night with very little sleep, Elanna was unable to lie still any longer for she suffered from a different emptiness. She had eaten well for the times of Taka’s pride, but still that was poor, and she had been given even less over the last day. Taking Taka’s words in her dream to be a sign, she started off to quench her desire. Hunting had been denied her for over two years by her overprotective husband. She remembered the lessons taught long ago, but she was woefully out of practice. First would be to find some prey to test her luck with her old skills.
      That didn’t prove so difficult since the terrible draught had not scorched the land beneath her feet. Silently, she made her way toward a small herd of impala. How she wished for her sisters to be behind her to back her up. But oh, if she DID succeed, what a bounty would be hers! It had been a long time since she had seen so much food. She continued to stalk the prey, hoping against all hopes that she would be able to get her wish.
      Finally, after closing the distance farther than she had hoped, she burst from cover and rushed. The excitement of her youth came back. She felt so alive, so exhilarated that she began to understand what she had been missing the last two years.
      The herd separated, just as she remembered from her lessons of so long ago. In front of her was a lone impala, unsure where to go. Elanna wasted no time in closing the distance and taking her prey down, ending its life so she could continue hers. Elanna panted and said her blessing as she began to tear into the body of her prey.
      Just then, the familiar whoops of hyenas began to close in on her. Before she knew it, a group of hyenas closed in and surrounded her and her prey. At first, they are silent, looking over the lioness and the prey beneath her. Finally, in common speech they said, "Our share! Our land! Part is ours!"
      She snarled at them as she stayed protectively over the life giving meat, "Krekh toh! Barekh moh amspach Elanna!"
      The hyenas were startled for a moment and backed off, looking at each other. "Hfff! The scholarly type! But, my dear bakhret, even from our own kind we require our share of everything killed on our land."
      The hyenas began to approach her, but as it appeared that Elanna would lose her work and maybe her life, a rustle was heard in the grasses. The rogue lion came out of grass, looking at the lioness, her prey, and the hyenas. He moved out more looking intently at the hyenas and growling, “You wouldn’t be making trouble for her, would you? I advise you to leave and now before I make sure you don’t come near here again--EVER.
      The hyenas looked at their numbers and decided not to risk their lives for such a meager meal. With curses, both in their language and common speech, they disappeared into the night.
      With a grunt of satisfaction in his work, he moved to Elanna.
      Suddenly she snapped at him, "This is mine!"
      "You're quite welcome," he said with a bow. "Maybe we can do this
      again sometime." With that, he turned and began to disappear into the night.
      Elanna watched as the rogue faded from sight. Finally she called out, "I'm sorry. Would you share with me?"
      The lion turned around and began to trot back towards her. "How can I refuse an offer like that? But you go first--you look a bit thin, my dear."
      Elanna dug in to the still warm body of the impala. Her stomach, unaccustomed to this food, had shrunk from long fasts and meager meals. As her insides began to rebel, she moved away from the meat and purged the food from her body, crying as she did. The male, not wanting to miss the free meal, dug in, his eyes still on the crying lioness. Finally, his hunger quenched, he moved closer to her and sits down.
      "If you’re wise, you’ll eat a little grass, then take a few bites. With time you’ll get your appetite back.”
      “Sounds like good advice,” she said, still sick. She nibbled half-heartedly at a few clumps of green grass.
      “Are you a rogue lioness?"
      "No. At least I wasn't." She sadly looked down.
      "I hope I didn't offend you. I'm a rogue male--of late." He approached her closer and though she shrank from him at first she let him touch her cheek with his paw. "My dear, you look like a ghost. If you don't mind, we can help each other."
      "Well, I can drive off the hyenas and flush game. And you can talk to me."
      "That's it?"
      "Hey, it's the silence that gets to me. I can't stand it. I even talk to buzzards. And when they’re not around, I talk to myself. All the time."
      "Well, I can talk," she said. "And if you help me hunt, you may eat your share. Deal?"
      "Deal! I am Kubali, by the way. And you?”
      She tried a small bite of the impala, chewing it carefully and uncertainly, then swallowing. “My name is Elanna.”
      He smiled. “Elanna! What a beautiful name.”


      The day’s event had taken their toll on the two lions, and when the sun had slipped below the horizon, they quietly searched for a clearing which to bed for the night. Upon finding one, Elanna lied down in the short grass and Kubali did the same, a few passes away. Kubali, long accustomed to the solitude, fell asleep rather quickly. Elanna wasn’t so lucky. As he mind filled with visions of her Taka, she softly wept.
      Kubali’s ears were pricked on this weeping. Looking over at her for a few moments, he rose up and moved towards her. Hearing no protest on her part, he lied down next to her, still keeping a small gap between their bodies. Almost absentmindedly, Elanna turned and draped a paw over him, which brought forth a soft purr from him. Felling his warmth, they finally drifted off to a quiet sleep together.
      Morning came quickly for the pair. Elanna woke first, and while she was thinking of her Taka and how nice it was to see him wake in the morning, her paw wandered on him. She softly stroked his mane, as she once did for the fallen king.
      Suddenly, she realized she wasn’t at Pride Rock anymore. She turned her head to see her paw across Kubali’s mane.
      "I'm sorry!"
      "Don't be. My nurse used to do that." He sighed. "I bet he was special, this mate of yours."
      "He's dead."
      "Oh...." He touched her face again. "That's why you were crying
      last night. I haven’t known you that long, but I already hate it when you cry."
      Elanna pawed his shoulder gently. “Look, Kube...Kublia...uh...”
      “Yeah. You’ve been very sweet to me, but I don’t want you to get any unrealistic expectations. I need a friend now, and I think you could be that friend. But I don’t know if I could ever fall in love again.”
      Kubali smiled gently and touched her nose with his. “I need a friend too. Someone I can lean on when the trail is long and weary. I wouldn’t take a chance of ruining this.”
      Elanna smiled, relieved, and returned his nuzzle.
      Over the next three days Elanna and Kubali worked hard to prove their friendship would never blossom into romance. It was a tense time for both of them, a time of guarded words and cautiously touching only when necessary. They would allow themselves a good morning nuzzle and, when they made a small kill, a congratulatory pat on the shoulder. Still, it was done timidly and with great restraint.
      Then on the fourth day a remarkable thing happened. They stopped being afraid and decided to enjoy their friendship.
      Elanna was sunning herself on a small kopje that morning when Kubali came and laid beside her. “Lannie, we have to talk.”
      “My husband called me Lannie,” she replied. “It makes me feel uncomfortable to hear it from anyone else.”
      “Fine. Lots of things make me feel uncomfortable. I think we’re both pretty miserable.”
      “Are you saying we should part?”
      “No. I’m saying we should stop being miserable.” Kubali said, “I’ve been holding back from you. Surely you wonder about my past.”
      “I try not to.”
      “See there--that’s what I mean. This secrecy is tearing us apart. I mean, if we’re really friends, let’s be honest with each other.”
      “Are you saying I’ve lied to you?”
      “No. You have to say something first.” Kubali looked around with building frustration. “Look, I have a sordid past. If I can tell you what I did to wind up here, you can tell me, can’t you?”
      Elanna looked about, surprised. “Just how sordid?”
      “Then we have a deal?”
      “It depends,” Elanna said, rolling over to look at him in the eyes.
      Kubali sighed nervously. “Where shall I begin? Well, I think it started when I was a little cub. My mother died the day I was born, and I was raised by nurses. My dad is a king, you know. I was the heir apparent, and I guess I had free rein to do what I pleased.” He laughed nervously. “Oh yes, it pleased me to do a lot of selfish things--a whole lot! The lionesses got fed up with me and one day they said my polite little brother would make a better king--or else.”
      “Or else?”
      “Or else they would leave. Dad banished me.” Tears came to his eyes. “I’ll never forget the look on his face when he said good bye. It will haunt me for the rest of my life.”
      “Poor Kubali!”
      “I deserved it, though. I really messed up my own life, and I have no one else to blame. Now I have to make a new life for myself, and I’ll be different. I begged Aiheu for a friend. Someone--anyone--that would end my awful loneliness. I swore I’d be better. I meant it too. Then I saw this feisty lioness facing off a whole group of hyenas. I knew that you were the answer to my prayers.”
      Elanna kissed away his tears, a rather intimate gesture of friendship. “Your honesty puts me to shame. Really, I should have told you more about myself. You’ve been so kind to me.”
      “Am I kind? I wondered if I was doing well.”
      “Better than well, my friend.” She nuzzled him. “My husband was a king. His name was Taka. He was never popular, but I loved him. I loved him the way snow loves the mountain peaks, and you know the snow would never leave the mountain peaks lest it should melt and die.”
      “What did he do to be so unpopular?”
      “Well he....” She sighed. “He was not completely sane. He did a lot of strange things. Very strange. But it was not his fault. I did not know that he had killed his brother to take the throne. Not till after the hyenas ripped him alive.”
      “Whoa, you poor dear!”
      “I loved him, but I wouldn’t have stayed with him. Not if I’d known. Still the knowledge has not killed my love. Somehow I cannot turn years of love into hate. Now you know why I have not fallen in love with you. When he died, my dreams of love also died. He was killed and I live in exile, a wanderer with no place to lay my head.”
      “Wrong. Lay your head on my mane, dear. It doesn’t matter if you love me or not. I have enough love for both of us.”
      She laid her head on the soft fur of his mane and sighed peacefully. “I’m glad we had this talk. And I didn’t mean what I said before--call me Lannie. You’ve earned the right.”
      “It’s not a right, it’s a privilege. A privilege to be earned daily. Your suffering is over, Lannie. Over and done.” He stroked her gently with his paw.


      If calling Elanna ‘Lannie’ was a privilege to be earned daily, Kubali did his best. The truth had freed them to enjoy each other’s acceptance. Elanna became to Kubali more than just a mystery, however alluring. She became a person with strengths and weaknesses, and compassion like a river bearing away his sorrows to lands unseen. In return, Kubali treated Elanna with a gentle humility he didn’t know he had. He devoted himself to making her feel important and cared for.
      With each passing day, Kubali and Elanna drew closer to the inevitable moment when one or the other would use the word “love” to describe their feelings.
      With all the truth and experience, however, small quirks showed up in their behavior. Elanna found Kubali’s snoring intolerable when he lay on his back. Often in the night she would shove him over with a paw, hoping to find peace. And Kubali noticed to his irritation that she always deferred decisions to him. It was nothing much really, just a ‘You decide’ or a ‘We can do what you want’ every so often, but it bothered him. And for him, this was one problem that a simple shove of the paws would not rectify. He decided to let it past and wait. She get use to the freedoms, he thought to himself.
      One day, they went on a hunt together. Quietly, before they were close to any prey, he jokingly nuzzled her and said, “So...what do you feel like today, my fair lioness? The savanna is filled with choice prey.”
      She smiled up to him, “Oh...I don’t know...you pick.”
      He could feel his insides tighten on her words. “Come on Lannie, I always chose...I think it’s your turn to chose.”
      She just shook her head, “I’m no good at making decisions...you can. It’s all right.”
      Kubali could sense where this was going so he swallowed his pride and nodded, “All right...how does gazelle sound today?”
      She smiled and rubbed against him softly. “It sounds wonderful.” She didn’t notice, or care to notice, the tightness in his body she caused.
      Together they walked until they were able to find their target. Quietly, Kubali slipped away from Elanna and stalked about to a point where he was sure the gazelles can smell him. He jumped out and roared, causing the gazelles to flee towards Elanna. She burst out of the brush, her swift and fatal onslaught bearing a struggling beast to the ground. Some of the others in panic turned and headed back.
      Kubali did not react swiftly enough. One of the gazelles caught him on the side with a hoof, nicking him and bringing a few drops of blood.
      Elanna quickly and compassionately snuffed the life from her horrified captive, then spoke a quick blessing. Kubali went to her after the dust had settled and rubbed against her gently. “Good job, Lannie!”
      As his body pressed against hers, she noticed the blood on him. “Oh my gods...you’re bleeding, Kubali!”
      Kubali turned to look at the wound and chuckled. “Don’t scare me like that! It’s really noth...”
      “Oh you poor dear...” She got up from the fallen beast and began to lick at the blood on his coat. “My sweet little Nisei, let me make it all better.”
      “Lannie...not that I mind your affections...but I’ll be all right.”
      She began to stroke his side gently. “My brave little lion. There, there! It’s all right. I’m here.”
      Kubali stepped away from her, “Didn’t you hear me, Lannie? I’m all right. It’s really nothing. I didn’t even notice it until you mentioned it.”
      Elanna looked up to him. “But Kubali...aren’t you in pain?”
      He just shook his head. Elanna looked down at his paws, “Oh...”
      Kubali came and nuzzled her. “You don’t have to treat me like a cub, Lannie...and you don’t have to think of me as your master.” He kissed her gently. “Lannie, I don’t want someone to command around. That’s what got me in trouble in the first place.”
      She nodded. “OK. I’ll try if you want me to.”
      He shook his head. “You still don’t get it. Try because YOU want you to.” He looked around and said, “We better eat this before it falls to the hyenas.” Ripping at the flesh, he opened the beast. “Hunter’s choice?”
      Elanna just looked at him, about to ask what he wanted. Then quickly she dove her head into the carcass and pulled out the heart. She moved over to him and dropped it at his feet.
      Frustrated, Kubali sighed. “Lannie, listen to me.”
      “We’ll share it. You and I together.”
      He smiled and licked the blood from her check, giving her a kiss at the same time. “That’s my girl.”


      The cold gray eyes stared silently out at the small clearing, taking in all that they saw and revealing nothing, like their owner. He crouched in the overgrown scrub, the soft fronds swaying in the quiet breeze, batting at his face in a maddeningly repetitive pattern, but he lay still, like a stone. Finally, he grunted in satisfaction and rose, shaking out his mane, and emerged from the grass, padding silently over to where the other two lions had lain the previous evening. His small companion followed, the hyena glancing about nervously at the waving grass.
      Gamu bent his face to the ground and paced about slowly, nosing at the bent blades of grass where the two lions had slept the night. His head jerked aside of its own volition, drawn by a particular scent, and he breathed deeply. Nodding, he lifted his face to look at the hyena in satisfaction. “Soon, now.”
      “Soon?” the hyena asked. “I wish you’d hurry up.”
      The lion smiled complacently and strolled over towards him. “Patience, Griz’nik.” Whipping a paw up abruptly, he extended a single claw and lifted the hyena’s chin with it sharply, dimpling the flesh in. “Your days with of pushing lions around are over. You will remember who is your boss, and it’s not Shenzi.” He lifted his paw higher, watching the hyena flinch with detached amusement. “Understand?”
      Griz’nik coughed and nodded carefully. “Yes sir.”
      Gamu released the pressure and dropped his paw. “That’s better. Now be a good little hyena and tell me who that lovely creature is with Kubali.”
      Griz’nik rubbed his chin gingerly, staring at Gamu with undisguised hate. “That’s Elanna. She used to be my queen.”
      “Your Queen?” Gamu laughed. “I was unaware you were making a career of obeying lions, Griz.”
      Griz’nik spat. “Remember that when I gnaw on your bones.”
      Gamu waved a paw absently. “Yes, yes. She was a queen, you say?” His eyes gleamed as he looked at the hyena. “Royalty, eh? Then tell me what she’s doing out here eating on leftover carcasses with that flea bag.”
      Griz’nik scratched an ear self-consciously. “Well, back when Amarakh was our Roh’mach, there was this hyena named Gur’mekh--”
      Gamu swung heavily with a paw, barely missing the hyena who dodged away with a yip of terror. “The condensed version, please, and spare me your savage chatter. I don’t have all day.”
      Griz’nik stood warily just outside the reach of his paw. “We helped kill the old king in my old home. His brother took his place and allied with us in return for our help. She married him.”
      “You little devil!” Gamu grinned humorlessly. “It seems you do have a few redeeming vices.”
      “Thanks--I guess.”
      “That still doesn’t tell me why she’s here.”

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